Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Dream about Vindictus

I've been playing a lot of Vindictus lately, something about two weeks ago I never would have thought I'd be doing.  I typically hate MMO's, but theres something about this one.

Anyhow, the dream:

I guess I was some big important noble type guy or something.  I don't think I was a specific class in Vindictus..  I was defending a castle against hordes of Gnolls.  The gnolls hadn't reached the castle gates yet.  There were quite a few other characters, but I mainly remember there were quite a few Evies.  We were all in a tower of the castle, which is very similar to the Golgotha Assault map from Unreal Tournament '99.  The Evies were hurling ice spears and fireballs as the Gnolls climbed the hill to essentially where the first spawn location would be (in UT terms).  I was using a crossbow, which as far as I'm aware, is not possible in Vindictus at the time of this writing.  At first I had no bolts and was using regular arrows, but because of that, my aim was really off, and I couldn't hit any of the gnolls.  The gnolls were also firing back with bows and one hit a guard using a real bow, so I took his weapon and was finally able to hit the gnolls.

Unfortunately by this time the gnolls had infiltrated the castle and were coming down one of the hall ways.  We made a strategic retreat back into the main hall.  We barricaded the main doors with anything we had, which wasn't particularly much.  We even used a few of our dead allies.  Unfortunately there were some of the jelly blob monsters, and they were able to squeeze through the cracks of the door and enter the main hall.  The Fiona's and Lann's began attacked the blobs as they came in, but I yelled "No!  We have to kick them to get a title!"  So we all started kicking the blobs to death.  But one of the Evies made a mana-bomb too clse to the barricaded door, which exploded, and destroyed the barricade, and additionally the door itself.  The gnolls tried to rush in, but the mana-bomb weakened the floorboard which collapsed as they came in.  Some of our team jumped down there to take care of the monsters.  I stayed up top with a few other party members, as more gnolls kept coming and they all jumped over the hole in the floor to where we were.

We fought off the gnolls for quite some time without much trouble.  There were enough debris for the Evies to make healing ergs from.  After awhile, two gnoll leaders came in and leapt at us.  (In Vindictus terms, I guess they would have been Veteran Gnoll Captains.  They were NOT chieftains.).  The main hall we were fighting in really wasn't that large, and so fighting two large gnolls in close corners proved to be very difficult. Fiona was tanking the gnolls with her shield while the rest of us attacked from the rear.  The Evies repeatedly slammed Ice Blast at them, and I went in using a smash combo, and backed out quickly before they decided to attack me instead of Fiona.  It worked for awhile, but one caught on and attacked one of the Evies, smashing her upside the head with its large club.  She went down for the count.  There was a column in the hall, which I used for cover to regain stamina.  The gnoll didn't see where I was, so I doubled around the column and attacked its backside.  Fiona started to go on the offensive attacking the one gnolls that stayed focused on her.  I tried to stay behind the column to confuse the gnoll that I was fighting to keep it from killing the other Evie.  The captain I was fighting fell quickly between my attacks and Evie's.  Once it was down we helped Fiona and quickly fell her adversary.

And thats where the dream ends.  Its kind of weird that a dream actually had an ending, to be honest.  Usually I wake up somewhere in the middle of the big events of the dream.

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